News from the Studio


This year is turning out to be quite a different and most exciting one for my practice . My husband has almost completed building his new workshop , and then we begin working on re-furbishing the enormous garage for my studio . I decided to approach 2024 as a kind of sabbatical - stepping away from regular routine to dig deep in 40 years of making art .


I was inspired to make a few prints using Tetra packs ,and my pasta machine as the printer . Search online for the method , its plenty of fun !


We also discovered that the clay dug from the foundations of the workshop was quite lovely clay , of which i used in a Carbon trap Shino type glaze on this 'Pillow' form .


So onward it is , experimenting , and making new forms - with maybe some new surfaces ?

The image at the very top of the page , is a beginning image for a small series of porcelain works for a feature show later in the year .. stay tuned .

(Photo taken at Sandy Lockwood 's studio during a workshop attended in June 2024)

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Australian studio based potter